The beloved classic, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, recently marked its 26th anniversary. Yet, even after all these years, new insights and revelations about the game continue to emerge. Interestingly, interviews conducted with Nintendo around the time of the game’s release are now coming to light, offering fresh perspectives on its development.
Take, for instance, a 1999 interview with Shigeru Miyamoto for a Japanese strategy guide. This interview, which was recently translated by Shmuplations, sheds light on Navi, the sprite that provides hints throughout the game. Miyamoto candidly admitted, “I feel that the way we deliver hints isn’t as user-friendly as it could be. Honestly speaking, I have to confess that Navi’s hint system is probably the weakest aspect of Ocarina of Time. Crafting a system that delivers personalized advice to players is extremely challenging. To do it well would require as much work as developing an entire game, and I was worried we’d be biting off more than we could chew if we chased perfection in that area.”
Miyamoto went on to explain, “If you really examine Navi’s dialogue, you’ll notice she repeats herself quite a bit. It might sound a bit negative, but we intentionally kept her at a somewhat ‘simple’ level. Ironically, trying to make Navi’s hints more advanced could have highlighted her ‘simplicity’ even further. In truth, I did consider removing the system altogether, but figured that would be even less user-friendly. Think of Navi as a guide for those who put the game down for a while and need a refresher when they return. It’s not the most elegant explanation, but it served its purpose. (laughs).”
It’s fascinating how, even decades after its release, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time continues to reveal its secrets and stories from behind the scenes, enriching our appreciation for this timeless game.