OneXPlayer recently stirred some excitement in the gaming community by dropping a teaser video on YouTube for their upcoming handheld device, the Onexfly F1 Pro. This sleek gadget boasts AMD’s cutting-edge Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor, part of the advanced Ryzen AI 300 series, also known as Strix Point. The Onexfly F1 Pro, equipped with a 7-inch screen, showcases its prowess by running Black Myth: Wukong at frame rates between 50 and 60 FPS.
This latest addition to the OneXPlayer lineup comes with a stunning 7-inch OLED display capable of HDR, and it refreshes at a swift 144 Hz. Weighing in at just 598 grams, it also features Harman Kardon speakers for impressive audio quality. The real heart of the device is the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPU, packed with four Zen 5 cores, eight Zen 5c cores, and AMD’s latest Radeon 890M iGPU, featuring 16 CUs based on the RDNA 3.5 architecture. Such high-end specifications put the Onexfly F1 Pro in direct competition with heavy hitters like the Steam Deck OLED, ROG Ally X, and Lenovo Legion Go.
In their showcase, OneXPlayer ran Black Myth: Wukong at a 1080p resolution on low-quality settings, with 65% upscaling (effectively rendering at 1248 x 702). Even under these conditions, the AI 9 HX 370-powered handheld achieved an average of 58 FPS, consuming just 15W of power during the test.
The video below gives you a glimpse into the Onexfly F1 Pro’s potential as a formidable gaming machine:
[YouTube Video]
Interestingly, the Onexfly F1 Pro is OneXPlayer’s first device to incorporate both an OLED screen and AMD’s latest Zen 5-based mobile CPUs. Up until now, their devices have relied on previous-gen Intel or AMD processors and non-OLED screens. This advancement makes it one of the initial handheld devices to feature Zen 5 technology, with the GPT Pocket 4 being another early adopter of the Ryzen AI HX 370.
In comparison, the Onexfly F1 Pro stands out as a pure handheld device with conventional gaming grips and controls, while the Pocket 4 is more of a hybrid, boasting a 2-in-1 design complete with a keyboard and a 180-degree rotatable screen.
Through their teaser, OneXPlayer highlighted the AI 9 HX 370’s capability to handle demanding AAA games efficiently, even at a balanced 15W TDP, allowing for longer battery life. With AMD yet to release its next-generation Z-series CPUs aimed at handheld devices, manufacturers like OneXPlayer are effectively using the laptop-oriented Ryzen AI 300 series CPUs for their handheld gaming solutions.
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