In the days following Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been steadily unveiling more details about its much-anticipated Ayaneo 3 handheld console, with the standout feature being the introduction of swappable control modules. This innovative addition promises a level of customization for handheld gaming that’s never been seen before. It’s reminiscent of the design philosophy behind the Victrix Pro BFG controller, but having such versatility in a handheld device—especially one featuring durable hall-effect sensors on the analog sticks and triggers—is truly exciting.
To further excite fans, Ayaneo has been active on platforms like Twitter and Discord, sharing glimpses of the Ayaneo 3 handheld. They’ve also released a detailed video showing various views of the unit and its interchangeable control modules. In our last discussion about the Ayaneo 3 in November, it was already revealed that the device would come with either Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 or Ryzen 7 8840U configurations. Yet, we’re still waiting for details on pricing and additional specs, besides the APU and the options for LCD and OLED screens. Thankfully, more information is expected to roll out in January, as they’re planning an official launch event for “Late January 2025.”
The swappable control modules also offer the flexibility of being inverted or even having individual buttons replaced. This hyper-modular design means the Ayaneo 3 can cater to virtually any game genre that pairs well with a controller. For fans of six-button fighting games like Street Fighter or those who enjoy retro Sega titles, the availability of a six-face-button module should be a treat. Meanwhile, modules equipped with a touchpad are likely to appeal to players who lean toward desktop-style gaming experiences, particularly with Steam Input at their disposal.
While the pricing remains a mystery, it’s hard to say if the Ayaneo 3 will be a worthwhile investment. Nevertheless, the early features are promising, suggesting flexibility and perhaps even some budget-friendly options for those who choose the Ryzen 7 8840U with a 7-inch LCD over OLED. Whether this trade-off holds value will depend on the pricing details yet to come. However, it’s shaping up to be a strong contender against other high-end handhelds expected next year, especially with its unique emphasis on customizable, modular input controls.