Blow It Up, a physics-based destruction game developed by Brain Seal Ltd., takes you on a thrilling adventure that marries the explosive enjoyment of Angry Birds with an impressive physics engine. You’re set in Boomtopia, a land where strategic demolition goes hand in hand with chaos. Here, you’re tasked with saving your bomb buddies from tricky foes. The game introduces seven different bombs, each boasting its own strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities, demanding strategic thinking to tackle over 70 challenging levels.
In this guide, we’ll dive into the details of each unique bomb and share key insights to help you make every explosion count. Learn to harness their destructive powers, unleash mayhem, and reclaim Boomtopia!
Each level of the game presents a unique conundrum, where identifying and targeting weak points in structures can maximize damage. The goal is to vanquish all foes, detonate the gifts, and ideally save an extra shot for a coveted gold trophy. Running out of shots but managing to explode all gifts earns you a silver trophy, while simply finishing the level will garner a bronze.
To get the most out of each launch, carefully aim using the launchpad and trigger each bomb’s special ability at just the right moment in mid-air. Since each bomb wields its own unique power, let’s break them down:
Dashy (Dash Bomb): The go-to bomb for starters. Dashy excels in versatility, flying straight in whichever direction it’s pointed when activated. It’s perfect for picking off distant enemies, cleaning up residual threats, or pinpointing structural weak spots. Its explosion, however, is among the weakest, making it less efficient against denser packs or hefty structures. Utilize Dashy’s speed and precision effectively, but be wary of its limited blast power.
Diggy (Drill Bomb): When triggered, Diggy plunges straight down, ideal for precisely targeting lower enemies or spots beneath obstacles. Though the explosion is singular, the impact can be formidable. Opt for Diggy when pinpoint accuracy is key, but keep in mind it’s not designed for multiple target engagement.
Gunny (Gun Bomb): An intriguing option, Gunny unleashes twin handgun fires upon activation, each hit causing a small blast. This makes it fantastic for dismantling structures, especially where targets align or foundational disturbance is necessary. Gunny’s shots focus on breaking structures and opening opportunities for further strategic destruction.
Jetty (Airplane Bomb): Jetty takes to the air, soaring horizontally and peppering the field with small bombs before descending. Its ability to cover extensive ground makes it an all-around bomb ideal for blasting horizontally spread enemies or structures.
Blasty (Remote Bomb): Blasty detonates on command, perfect for close targets and challenging-to-reach areas where precision is vital and premature detonation from other bombs is a risk.
Chainy & Linky (Chain Bomb): These two are linked, and upon activation, they split and move independently, each following its path until target impact. Their autonomous movement is perfect for hitting various targets or causing widespread destruction throughout the level.
- Puffy (Fat Bomb): Though Puffy has a limited range, its explosive power is overwhelming. Upon activation, it unleashes shrapnel maintaining its momentum, each piece creating an independent explosion. This makes Puffy excellent for clearing out tightly packed areas and dealing with nearby enemies or obstacles.
With this explosive arsenal, success hinges on choosing the right bomb for each level’s unique challenge. Whether precision or widespread devastation is needed, there’s a bomb to match your strategy. Experiment freely to master each bomb’s special abilities and craft the ultimate explosive gameplay. So go forth, wreak havoc, and revel in the chaos of Boomtopia. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good explosion now and then?
Blow It Up is available now on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Dive into this explosive universe today, where fast-paced action and strategic demolition await at every turn.