Ayaneo has just thrown open the doors on its crowdfunding campaign for the Pocket DMG on IndieGogo, marking the debut of its GameBoy-styled handheld, powered by the Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 from Qualcomm. It’s a sleek gadget featuring an OLED screen, currently fetching for as low as $339 for the basic build, which comes with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. For those looking for a step up, the top-end variant is priced at $499, packing 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage. There’s even a Limited Edition “Retro Color” version for the nostalgic ones among us, offered at an Early Bird price of $589.
Even at these price points, the Snapdragon chip inside is no slouch for high-performance mobile gaming. It handles titles like Genshin Impact effortlessly at a steady 60 FPS and can even emulate games from the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era with ease, even when cranking up the internal resolutions. Now, if you’re thinking of the Steam Deck, yes, it still might offer more game choices for less money, particularly if you already have a PC handheld to supplement.
Beyond the initial specs and price tags, this device is pretty decked out considering its cost and compactness. With hidden trigger buttons nestling between the standard shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and a right-side touchpad, it covers all the bases for modern gaming needs, especially if you’re streaming from your PC. The analog stick might be on the smaller side, but it uses hall-effect technology, so you can be optimistic about it avoiding the infamous drift issue over time.
Some might argue the OLED screen is a bit over-the-top for this size, but let’s remember that other high-end gadgets like the Analogue Pocket are also opting for ultra-clear displays — though the Pocket chooses a super-sharp 1440p LCD instead. The Ayaneo Pocket DMG, on the other hand, sports a 3.92-inch OLED display with a 1,240 x 1,080 resolution. It’s capable of showcasing an impressive 104% NTSC color gamut, hitting up to 450 nits in brightness. This low-latency OLED setup could make the Pocket DMG a go-to for retro gaming enthusiasts, though it probably won’t outshine the Steam Deck OLED or more robust PC handhelds for AAA gaming.
When it comes to emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG holds its ground as a strong and notably upscale choice, despite its compact design. The 12GB and 16GB RAM models might seem like overkill given this isn’t a traditional PC handheld, but let’s not forget that modern mobile games and emulation can demand quite a bit. If you’re hunting for the best value, snagging the entry-level model and eventually bolstering it with a good SD card is a smart play.
A couple more tech specs worth mentioning: the Ayaneo Pocket DMG includes a USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C port, which handles up to a rapid 10 Gigabits of data transfer. There’s also Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3 support thrown in. While the wired connection options are standard fare, they suffice for transferring smaller game files. The Wi-Fi 7 support is a sweet deal, providing up to 30 Gigabits per second — perfect for services like Steam Remote Play.
Lastly, a quick reminder: crowdfunding a project doesn’t guarantee a finished product in your hands. Supporting a crowdfunded project is akin to an investment; you’re backing the vision and hoping it turns into a reality. It’s not quite the same as picking up a ready-to-go item off the retail shelf.