Bandai Namco, the renowned Japanese gaming publisher, has decided to close its subsidiary, Bandai Namco Online. This news marks a significant shift, as all operations from the online division will be integrated back into the main company. While the announcement didn’t specify if this transition would impact the employees, it raises curiosity about potential changes within the company’s structure.
Originally established in 2009, Bandai Namco Online was set up to delve into online gaming ventures. It brought forth titles like Dragon Ball Z: X KeeperZ, Gundam Evolution, and Blue Protocol. However, recent shifts in the gaming industry landscape have prompted the company to reevaluate its strategy. By consolidating the online division with the main business, Bandai Namco aims to strengthen its overall digital business management.
In a related development, Bandai Namco revealed earlier this year that it will be discontinuing Blue Protocol—a collaborative MMO effort with Amazon—by January 18th, 2025. This decision reflects the company’s broader efforts to adapt and align with the evolving market conditions.