“Dreams on a Pillow” offers gamers a unique journey back to the haunting events of the 1948 Nakba, where approximately 700,000 people were uprooted from their homes as a result of Zionist actions.
Crafted by Palestinian developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh, this game is a “pseudo-3D stealth adventure,” portraying how a land filled with people became a landless populace. But before diving deeper into this new venture, let’s take a moment to revisit Abu-Eideh’s earlier work.
Back in 2016, he brought us “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” a poignant narrative set during the 2014 Israeli military operation in Gaza, dubbed Operation Protective Edge. This game shadows a young Palestinian girl and her family as they navigate the perils in their besieged neighborhood. Although it’s a brief experience, its emotional impact is undeniable. Seamlessly blending platformer mechanics with a choose-your-own-adventure style, “Liyla” became a hit. In 2021, it was part of an Indie Bundle Pack that successfully raised nearly $900,000 for Palestinian aid in collaboration with UNRWA USA.
Today, you can play “Liyla and the Shadows of War” for free on both mobile and Windows platforms. However, its journey wasn’t always smooth. When first released in 2016, the Apple App Store refused to categorize it as a game due to its political content. Abu-Eideh was advised to label it under “News” or “Reference.” This sparked controversy, especially since a game titled “Israeli Heroes” was listed with no issues. After vocal pushback and a social media campaign by Abu-Eideh, Apple finally relented, allowing “Liyla” to be listed as a game.
As for “Dreams on a Pillow,” Abu-Eideh is currently gathering support through a crowdfunding campaign on LaunchGood, which runs until January 13th. The funds will assist in asset creation, outsourcing, and pay for the team of nine working on the project. They are targeting a release in the final quarter of 2026.