If you happened to catch the Bethesda community modding event, C3, last month, you might have seen one of the more intriguing projects on display: Fallout: Revelation Blues. This project is bringing back to life the long-cancelled Fallout: Van Buren as a New Vegas adaptation. Now, the team of modders behind this effort has dropped the first demo, allowing you to dive in and experience a slice of the mod.
For those not immediately familiar with ‘Van Buren,’ let’s rewind a bit. Back in the days when Black Isle Studios and Interplay were steering the Fallout series, they began work on what was meant to be Fallout 3. Unfortunately, it never made it past the development stage. This would-have-been Fallout 3 was known as Van Buren. While it fizzled out before birth, it piqued the curiosity of fans, particularly after Bethesda acquired the IP and released its own Fallout 3—yes, the one with Liam Neeson in a pivotal fatherly role.
Alright, enough history. Fallout: Revelation Blues is essentially attempting to craft “a faithful adaptation” of Van Buren, transitioning that classic isometric vibe into a 3D world tailor-made for today’s fans. In this debut demo, the creators have provided a glimpse of “the area we’ve developed” centered around Burham Springs. This area represents a mining town laid waste by a catastrophic fire, reflecting Van Buren’s original setting.
When you step into the world of Burham Springs, you’ll find yourself in a grimy mining town, once under the watchful eye of the NCR but now deserted due to an unfortunate disaster. As a player, you’re on a quest to unravel the narrative that unfolds in these ruins. You’ll encounter a handful of remaining residents, all seemingly on edge or possibly a bit deranged. There are treasures and secrets below the surface, waiting to be claimed, but what price will you pay for them?
As you trek through this town, prepare to meet old acquaintances like the NCR, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Powder Gangers. They’ve also introduced “new weather, assets, levels,” and much more to make the scenery pop and offer something fresh. Among the sneak peeks the team shared is an image of what appears to be a robot crafted from a petrol pump—definitely a standout. Maybe they’ll name it Pumpy? A fan can hope.
Before you head off on your new adventure, the modders advise that your character should be at least level 15. You’ll enter this new area by train from Boulder City.
Are you planning on diving into Revelation Blues’ demo? And if you enjoy sprinkling some Elder Scrolls into your Fallout gaming sessions, don’t miss our talk with the lead of the Skyblivion mod for Oblivion before its own C3 showcase. Let us hear your thoughts!