In an exciting collaboration, Matt Forbeck, a New York Times bestselling author, has teamed up with his son Marty to bring an adventurous twist to the beloved world of Minecraft. Together, they’ve crafted a brand-new tabletop adventure named Minecraft: Roll for Adventure: The Temple of the Charged Creeper, which blends the immersive nature of Minecraft with easy-to-learn role-playing rules. The game, currently available for pre-order, promises to capture the wide-ranging appeal of the popular online crafting game.
Though details about the game mechanics are sparse—a trend that’s quite common with major IP-based tabletop games—the publisher, Penguin Random House, gives us a glimpse with the book cover, which features two six-sided dice. The listing also indicates that the gamebook will come with “four dice,” a “removable character sheet,” and a “rules reference” to assist in tracking your heroic exploits. This setup works well for solo adventurers or those playing under the guidance of a game master, referred to here as “your narrator.”
Set in a secluded village recently overrun by the menacing “illagers” from the Minecraft universe, players are thrown into a mission similar to a classic Dungeons & Dragons quest. You’ll step up to help the villagers by uncovering the origin of their troubles, which leads you to the Temple of the Charged Creeper, and ultimately, to its destruction.
What sets this adventure apart is that, although there have been previous collaborations between Minecraft and Dungeons & Dragons—like the kid-friendly Lightning Keep—this particular adventure is a wholly original creation by the Forbecks. With Matt Forbeck’s impressive background in both tabletop game design and authoring novels for well-known franchises like D&D, Minecraft, Halo, and Life is Strange, even his own original titles, there’s an air of mystery around this release. Fans of Minecraft and tabletop gaming alike are eagerly anticipating its arrival, set to debut in July 2025.
For those eager to grab their copy, the hardcover edition of Minecraft: Roll for Adventure: The Temple of the Charged Creeper is available for pre-order through the Penguin Random House website, priced at $20.