In an unexpected turn of events, Nintendo has addressed the buzz surrounding Genki’s Switch 2 leak, which surfaced at the 2025 CES. A company representative was quick to clarify that Nintendo was not officially involved with this year’s CES, so any images of the Switch 2 floating around from the event aren’t official.
While Nintendo confirming the unofficial nature of these leaked images might seem like stating the obvious, it’s noteworthy because the company typically remains silent on such matters. The Switch 2 has been a hot topic since late 2024, likely because the device was rumored to have gone into mass production around that time. One vivid example of this was Genki, an accessory maker, displaying what it claimed was a replica of the new Switch at the CES 2025 in Las Vegas. Once those images hit social media, they spread like wildfire.
Nintendo’s comment on this leaked design came after an inquiry by the Sankei Shimbun. A representative told the Japanese publication that the visuals and videos of Genki’s Switch 2 are not official, emphasizing Nintendo’s absence from CES 2025. Consequently, none of the imagery should be considered genuine promotional material for the device.
Whether or not Genki’s model is official, it may still be an accurate portrayal of the Switch 2. This dummy device aligns with many current rumors about the console. It appears slightly larger than the original Switch, and interestingly, it features an extra button. This button, marked as “C” and shaped like the capture button on the left Joy-Con, is located under the right Joy-Con’s home button, although its function remains a mystery.
Eddie Tsai, the CEO of Genki, didn’t provide any details about the mysterious “C” button, but he did mention some intriguing claims about the Switch 2. According to him, the Joy-Cons will magnetically attach to the main console, moving away from the current sliding rail design. He also suggested that these controllers might function similarly to a mouse, a concept echoed by other sources.
Nintendo has previously indicated it plans to unveil the Switch’s successor during the fiscal year 2024, ending March 31, 2025. This gives the company about 80 more days to keep its promise. However, consumers probably won’t see the console on store shelves before the second quarter of 2025. Price-wise, it’s rumored that the Switch 2 might be priced around $399.