Masaaki Hayasaka, the visionary producer behind the impressive Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, recently shared some intriguing insights with Bloomberg regarding Square Enix’s cautious approach to releasing more HD-2D titles. When asked about the possibility of remaking other Dragon Quest classics with the visually stunning HD-2D engine, Hayasaka mentioned that it’s quite a delicate subject within the company. Even his supervisors are in a constant state of deliberation over this issue.
He explained, “If we were to launch too many games one after the other, there’s a risk that players might grow tired of them. On the other hand, if the gap between releases is too long, the series might lose some of its dynamism and excitement. It’s really a tricky balance. It’s something that even my supervisors find challenging to navigate and are continuously pondering.”
Such decisions underscore the fine line developers walk between maintaining a fresh appeal and overextending a beloved gaming formula. Balancing act aside, fans are eager to see how the future unfolds for the series.